The recent talk of AI-generated characters being launched on Meta’s platforms has already caused significant backlash. In fact, the tech giant has already begun deleting its own AI-generated accounts after human users started to interact with them – with the results being far from desirable. And while there have been criticisms of “slop” infiltrating social platforms, Freddie Strange, co-founder of global social and influencer agency, Komodo, believes that the move could have a profound impact on the influencer industry, where authenticity and trust is vital:
“Meta’s push for AI-generated characters is a bold move, but it raises serious questions about the future of trust and authenticity in social media, particularly for influencers. Influencer marketing thrives on the principle that people trust people. Replacing that human connection with algorithmically generated personas risks undermining the very foundation of the industry.
“This shift, however, creates an opportunity. Credible creators – those who have built real, authentic relationships with their audiences – will become even more valuable. As platforms become saturated with AI-generated content, the human touch will stand out as a unique and prized asset for brands and marketers.
“Over-reliance on AI risks destroying the credibility of the influencer industry, turning it into a sea of indistinguishable, low-quality content. The challenge now is ensuring that innovation enhances human creativity rather than overshadowing it. In a world increasingly filled with synthetic voices, the value of real, relatable creators will only grow.”